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CMLA 2013-2018 : Vidéos simulation numériques de fluides

Simulations numériques de fluides sur GPU

Dam Break with obstacle,
Aude Bernard-Champmartin, Florian De Vuyst, 2013.

Numerical simulation of the horizontal sloshing of a tank filled at 85%
, Florian De Vuyst, 2013. Plus rapide

Air-liquid violent flow numerical simulation
, Florian De Vuyst, 2014. Air-liquid violent flow numerical simulation II

2D advection Rider-Kothe test case with reverse velocity,
Florian De Vuyst, 2015.

Numerical simulation of tsunami,
Florian De Vuyst
, 2015.

Numerical solution of shallow water equations. Robust design of a Saint-Venant solver to support wet-dry transition conditions (CNRS 'Defi Littoral' Grant 2015-2016), Florian De Vuyst

Numerical simulation of the shallow water equations (Saint-Venant) : Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the shallow water equations (Saint-Venant system) with moving dry-wet transition zones, Florian De Vuyst, 2016.

Saint-Venant shallow water equations with dry-wet moving boundaries, Florian De Vuyst, 2016.

Yet another Saint-Venant equation simulation : Well-balanced scheme with accurate capture of dry-wet transitions and almost dry regions (dry asymptotic behaviour). This numerical method is dedicated for being used in the framework of tsunami debris transport and debrid deposition dynamics (Defi Littoral CNRS Grant), Florian De Vuyst, 2016.

Simulation of tsunami and coastal flooding,
Florian De Vuyst
, 2016.

Fluid-Fluid-Void 3-phase Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH),
Florian De Vuyst
, 2017.

En savoir plus...

Simulation numérique instantanée interactive au CMLA (Fabrice Mengoti / ENS Cachan) avec Florian De Vuyst, Christophe Labourdette, 2013. Le CMLA - ENS Cachan est labellisé NVIDIA GPU Research Center (le 3e en France).

F. De Vuyst., S. Guillas, A. Kendira., C. Labourdette, L. Tchertanov. « L'ENS Cachan voit grand avec le mur d'images SHIVA ». HPC Today. 26.09.2014.

Anticiper les tsunamis grâce aux mathématiques, Florian De Vuyst, Serge Guillas, projet Debriefing (Défi Littoral CNRS), ENS Cachan, 2015.

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High-Performance time-dependent Lattice Boltzmann Navier-Stokes flow on GPU. © Florian DeVuyst (2012).