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CMLA Research Center for Applied Maths

Directors: Nicolas VAYATIS  || Localisation || Research

CMLA Center for MathematicaL studies and their Applications
is a joint research unit between the French national research Agency CNRS and the Ecole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France (nearby Paris).

Research Themes

CMLA Joint Labs

MISS Earth & Satellite Imaging

Joint Lab with CNES
Government funded agency for developing research & implementing France's space policies in Europe.

LRC MESO : Mesoscopic Simulation

Joint lab with CEA
French commission for alternate energies and the atome.

NVIDIA GPU research center

Computational fluids dynamics on GPU. CMLA became the third French NVIDIA GPU Research Center in 2013.

Cognac G : Cognition and Action Group

Measuring and quantifying human behavior by developing non invasive tools.


CMLA is part of the FMJH foundation and contributes to the national state program LabEx LMH, to create research communities, using the leverage effect of training programs.


Strong commitment in applying Maths to the industry & Engaged with Society's challenges

Energy, hazards, aerospace, medical imaging, e-business, defense, social networks...

Research teams of High Academic quality & Training through research

CMLA encourages corporate connections and industrial  agreements that provide framework and financing to students interested in development research.