Organized by :
UM6P, University Mohamed VI Polytechnic, Morocco
CMLA, ENS Paris-Saclay and CNRS, France
GTT, France
Multiphase flow phenomena are frequently encountered in industry in the traditional fields of chemical, nuclear and oil industry. They are also important issues in the context of environmental flows. Multiphase flow encompasses a number of subjects, from nearly homogeneous flow, as developed in long transport lines of gas-liquid-solid mixtures or in short in-plant circuits, to completely separated flows, as in the case of nuclear or gas fluidized reactors.
The scientific background of multiphase flow technology is composite and includes fluid mechanics, transport phenomena, equipment design and other fundamentals, such as surface thermodynamics and sprays.
Two special sessions (i) Physics of liquid impacts and (ii) Environmental flows are planned.
Presentations Multiphase
1. Pre-registration phase : you are invited to give your personal data and select the category of fees you are allowed to claim. The normal fee is 420 €.
Special fee of 200€ for students & PhD students including accommodation and meals at the UM6P from the Sunday evening to the Saturday morning.
The third choice (free of charge) is reserved to the employees of CMLA or UM6P. Please select the right category.
Shortly afterwards, you will receive an email validating the pre-registration and allowing you to finish the registration by following a given link.
2. The registration phase, where you will be invited to pay.