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Numerical methods for compressible sloshing simulation

le 16 septembre 2013
Atelier Cargèse
11h00 - 11h45

Auteur : Joris Costes

In order to get a better understanding of liquid impacts inside tanks of LNG carriers due to sloshing, it makes sense to consider idealized situations such as the liquid impact due to a rectangular liquid block or a wave propagating in a tank and hitting the end wall.

The generation and the propagation of water waves can be simulated with a fully nonlinear potential flow solver with great accuracy. However, the simulations stop soon after overturning occurs. On the other hand, compressible two-fluid solvers contain necessary physics to simulate adequately a impacts on a rigid structure. But compressible two-fluid solvers are not well suited to simulate wave propagation.

An interface between different codes is more efficient. That way, the impact calculation is restricted to a small rectangular domain adjacent to the impacted wall that can be meshed with a highly refined grid. The interface allows the impact calculation on the rectangular grid by the compressible solver by both initiating the data on the grid and feeding the boundary conditions at each time step on the upstream vertical boundary of the domain, with results from the potential flow solver.
Type :
Séminaires - conférences, Colloques
Lieu(x) :
Institut d'études scientifiques de Cargèse
Haute Corse

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