Scientific contributions are expected to include numerical simulations, experimental work or development of original mathematical modeling. Authors interested in presenting their work during the workshop are invited to send an abstract of about 200 words in English to
the organizing committee before June 30, 2017 (extended deadline).
Abstract acceptance, will be notified by July 31, 2017.
Authors are requested to provide a final version of abstract according to the instructions provided within the following template.
Download MS Word template.Selection criteria will be based on the pertinence of abstracts to the themes of multiphase flow, as well as on the originality and technical and scientific importance of the contributions. All final contributions to the workshop will be through an oral presentation of 20 min.
English will be the official language of the Workshop.
Authors and people wishing to attend the Workshop are recommended to observe the deadlines strictly and send the application form for preliminary registration in due time.
The final program will be issued at the beginning of September 2017.