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Detection and construction of an elliptic solution to the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation.

Pré-print du CMLA 2012-02 - version du 31 janvier 2011

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Auteurs : Robert Conte, Ng Tuen-Wai

Abstract :

In evolution equations for a complex amplitude, the phase obeys a much more intricate equation than the amplitude. Nevertheless, general methods should be applicable to both variables.

On the example of the traveling wave reduction of the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGL5), we explain how to overcome the difficulties arising in two such methods:
(i) the criterium that the sum of residues of an elliptic solution should be zero, (ii) the construction of a first order differential equation admitting the given equation as a differential consequence (subequation method). 
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